Color Blind Test

Color Vision Test

Blind image test
Note: Please select the correct option you see in the image. Please try to choose within 3 sec.
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What is Color Vision Test



Color Vision test, also known as an upgraded version of the traditional Ishihara test, is one of the most popular vision tests up to the present. This test measures your ability to identify a pattern based on its color. By doing the test with numerous colors, we are able to determine which colors you may have trouble seeing. 

How to do the Color Vision Test

If you take this test in the hospital or at any optometry office, your eye doctor will do the examination. You will be seated in a well-lit room. You will cover one eye and then examine a set of test cards with the remaining eye. Each card features a pattern of multicolored dots.

In each color pattern, there is a number or symbol. If you are able to recognize the number or symbol, you will inform the doctor. If you have normal color vision, numbers, shapes, and symbols should be easily distinguishable from their surrounding dots. If you have trouble seeing colors, you may not be able to see the symbols. Or, it may be difficult to see patterns among the dots.

After examining one eye, the other eye will be covered, and the test cards will be viewed again. The doctor may ask you to compare how each eye perceives the strength of a certain hue. It is possible to achieve a normal color vision test result while nevertheless experiencing a reduction in color intensity in one or both eyes.

However, you can easily do the Color Vision Test on your own by taking this online examination. The format is: You will see a series of images that include dots of various sizes and color tones. Like in the Ishihara Test, your task is to identify the hidden element that is embedded within the dot pattern. Use the keyboard or mouse-click to input your answer.



Using colored filters on your eyeglasses or colored contact lenses may facilitate the perception of color contrasts. However, neither a filter nor colored contacts will enhance your natural ability to distinguish between color tones.

The result of this test may depend on the quality of the device’s screen. If your computer has out-of-date or low-quality color rendering, it may have an effect on your test result. 


The Color Vision Test includes 10 total attempts. The number of correct answers indicates how well your optical ability is working in identifying the differences between the distinct colors. Look at the below outcome table to make the check:
