Color Blind Test

Red Green Color Blind Test

Lantern Test

The test consists of showing 9 pairs of vertically oriented lights.

Combinations of either red, green or yellow. Identify the colors up and down (some of which are identical).

The colors are shown for only two seconds. If you can not identify the colors, just click to the next button.

Example1:Up - red, down - green

Example2:Up - yellow, down -red

Computer-based color blindness tests may lead to different results because computers only have three basic colors.
Special colors cannot be displayed. In fact, the test only detects moderate and severe red-green colorblindness.
Not suitable for clinical diagnosis!
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What is Red Green Color Blind Test


A study indicated that the most prevalent type of color deficit in humans is red-green color blindness. It occurs in persons who are unable to see red and green shades in the same manner that people with normal color vision do.

The majority of us perceive color in the same way: our eyes capture light at specific wavelengths. The brain then interprets these waves as having red, green, and blue hues. However, some people have difficulty seeing red and green, and others perceive no red or green at all. Otherwise, their vision functions similarly to everyone else's.

The Red-Green Color Blind Test is designed to help diagnose those who may be suffering from the condition. However, an official diagnosis from a doctor is recommended. This test includes dotted plates that include a hidden number. Your task is to find the correct number censored inside each plate. It sounds quite simple, right? Of course, it’s a piece of cake for normal people; however, it’s challenging for those who have red-green color blindness. 

What are the four different kinds of red-green color blindness?

There are four types of red-green color deficits based on how much of each color people recognize:

  • Red-blindness (protanopia) is the inability to see red.
  • Green-blindness (deuteranopia) is the inability to perceive green.
  • Protanomaly (red-weakness): There is some red showing; green and blue are normal.
  • Green deficiency (deuteranomaly): There is some green showing; red and blue are usual. 

How to perform the Red-Green Color Blind Test

Eye specialists in optical offices use a number of simple tests to determine whether people have difficulty seeing red, green, or other colors. In this online test, we use a similar method:

These color-blind tests often fill a circle with a slew of dots of varying sizes. The majority of the dots have similar colors, but a few stand out. To someone with normal color vision, these contrasting hues appear to be a number. A person with a color deficit, on the other hand, sees either a weak number or no number at all.

In a more advanced test, someone must align a succession of colored disks in a specific order. People with color perception issues have a difficult time remembering this order. The degree of error in their test results demonstrates how many colors they are missing. This helps eye doctors come up with a plan to help their patients who have trouble seeing colors.